Saturday, December 20, 2014

GamerGate Harassment Of Zoe Quinn Stoops To New Low | TechCrunch

GamerGate Harassment Of Zoe Quinn Stoops To New Low | TechCrunch: "This e-book is just another example of the highly unpleasant trolling that has characterized GamerGame, much of it playing out on Twitter, where hate speech has been allowed to flow free. And where rape and death threats have driven multiple women in the games industry out of their homes, or forced them to cancel speaking engagements.

The underlying agenda of GamerGate has always been an attempt to intimidate and drive women out of the games industry. While the threats of violence have been exceptionally crude, the tactics have been relatively sophisticated, with co-ordinated online attacks aimed at amplifying the impact and noise, and exerting commercial pressure on digital advertisers.

Tactics that I and others have argued requires mainstream social platforms to up their own game when it comes to combating co-ordinated hate mobs by giving users more granular controls for filtering their feeds. Bottom line: this is an online bullying issue, not a free speech issue. And indeed, earlier this month, Twitter launched a suite of new anti-harassment tools to make it easier for users to block or report bullies on the network."

'via Blog this'

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