Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Refugees in Middle East 'need jobs and schooling' to ease migration crisis | World news | The Guardian

Refugees in Middle East 'need jobs and schooling' to ease migration crisis | World news | The Guardian: "Europe will resolve its migration crisis only by giving people fleeing the Middle East new reasons to stay there, such as legitimate jobs, schooling and a future, the UK’s international development secretary has said.

 Justine Greening said: “So many refugees are now having to confront the fact they may be refugees for a long time. Their first choice is to stay close to home, and to return to Syria, but we have got to make that choice viable.”

 A conference in London next Thursday aims to map out a new way to get a grip on the situation. The conference, bringing together heads of state, foreign ministers and the UN panoply, is an implicit acknowledgement that the countries bordering Syria – primarily Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey – are being overwhelmed by refugees.

 The day-long event is likely to reveal tensions over the extent to which, and on what terms, leaders in the Middle East will allow Syrians to work legally in their countries. The plan is not only to raise as much cash as possible for food, but also to promise investment that might make it easier for governments to allow refugees access to formal jobs and schooling."

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