Saturday, February 27, 2016

No One Knows What Just Happened to the UN's First-Ever Humanitarian Airdrop in Syria | VICE News

No One Knows What Just Happened to the UN's First-Ever Humanitarian Airdrop in Syria | VICE News: "In a statement released on Wednesday evening, Justice For Life Observatory in Deir ez-Zor, a Syrian activist group, said that eyewitnesses confirmed six containers had been dropped over the city.

"A number of those containers exploded after [they] were dropped on hard-to-reach areas due to a failure in parachutes," said the group. "Only three containers were received and which were majorly damaged."

The lack of detail on where or in what condition the aid landed raised the possibility that some of it had been damaged or floated into IS controlled territory — a development that would prove highly embarrassing to the UN. But even if the assistance package reaches its intended destination, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent has a mixed track record on delivery. Despite the group's presence in the city, previous humanitarian aid drops have reportedly been hoarded by the regime."

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