Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thousands March Nationwide Protest Police Violence | Al Jazeera America

Thousands March Nationwide Protest Police Violence | Al Jazeera America: "Thousands of people nationwide joined marches on Wednesday evening to protest the death of Freddie Gray under uncertain circumstances in a Baltimore police van after his arrest.

The biggest march was in Baltimore itself, where several thousand peaceful mostly young demonstrators walked through downtown to City Hall.

In New York, protesters gathered at Union Square, in Lower Manhattan, for a rally dubbed on a Facebook page, "NYC Rise up and Shut it down with Baltimore."

"We call on New Yorkers from across the five boroughs, #BlackLivesMatter activists and organizations as well as all organizations that stand for social, economic, and racial justice to rally," said the organizers.

Many of the Manhattan marchers chanted “I can’t breathe,” quoting Eric Garner, the black man whose death last year in a police chokehold in Staten Island launched several nights of protest nationwide after a grand jury decided not to indict the white police officer.

At the New York march, police arrested more than 60 people. There were smaller, mostly peaceful marches in Boston, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, Minneapolis and Washington."

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