Thursday, November 19, 2015

As a HIV-positive person, I have watched the Charlie Sheen controversy unfold with sadness and horror | Voices | The Independent

As a HIV-positive person, I have watched the Charlie Sheen controversy unfold with sadness and horror | Voices | The Independent: "And it goes to show that certain sections of the media must resist propagating the myth that HIV is a death sentence to both the people it affects, and those who come peripherally into contact with it. In a time in which HIV rates have never been higher globally, never has there been a more urgent time in which to talk more openly about sex, STIs and (most of all) HIV. 

While treatment options have never been better, the reception of Sheen’s diagnosis clearly highlights how public and media perception simply haven’t kept pace with medical breakthroughs. The lengths to which Sheen went to buy the silence of those who knew of his diagnosis and the media witch-hunt which eventually forced his hand are shocking facts to face up to given this is 2015. "

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