Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Fish: Indonesia's Minister Susi Pudjiastuti's crowd pleasing performance

Big Fish: Indonesia's Minister Susi Pudjiastuti's crowd pleasing performance: "When Susi Pudjiastuti was sworn in as Indonesia's Maritime and Fisheries Minister this time last year, the local tabloids didn't think she stood a chance. Of the eight women in President Jokowi's 'Working Cabinet', Susi was singled out for her failure to conform to conventional ideas of how a woman, or indeed a minister, should behave. She was labelled an eccentric for having a tattoo, being a divorcee, and for smoking a cigarette outside the State Palace. She was described by local media as a poor example of Jokowi's promised 'mental revolution'. But since then, Susi has not only survived a cabinet reshuffle and transformed into a media darling, but has become by far the best-known and most widely liked of Jokowi's ministers. So how did she do it?

The short answer is: by blowing things up. "

'via Blog this'

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