Monday, March 23, 2015

A judge struck down Nebraska's same-sex marriage ban. Here's where each state stands. - Vox

A judge struck down Nebraska's same-sex marriage ban. Here's where each state stands. - Vox: "On March 2, a federal judge struck down Nebraska's same-sex marriage ban. But, on March 5, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals put the decision on hold as it works through the appeals process.

Since 2013, when the Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on same-sex marriage, lower courts have followed with their own decisions effectively ending same-sex marriage bans in several states. As the nation waits for a looming Supreme Court decision on marriage equality, lower courts' rulings have continued coming in.

As the decisions pile up, it can get a little difficult to track which same-sex marriage bans are legally valid and which have been overturned. This simple list tracks where each state stands."

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