Thursday, August 28, 2014

If We Gave Men the Same Rape Advice We Give Women, Here's How Absurd It Would Sound - Mic

If We Gave Men the Same Rape Advice We Give Women, Here's How Absurd It Would Sound - Mic: "Undercover Colors is simply the latest in a slew of anti-rape products that don't necessarily make the world a safer place, but do make women's lives more difficult by adding yet more items to the list of things they "should" do to avoid rape. The logic of these products rests on some decidedly problematic assumptions about what causes rape in the first place, and also suggests that men are unable to control themselves.

Women, like men, have the right to move throughout the world without constantly fearing for their safety, yet the burden of prevention continues to fall squarely on women's shoulders. One can't help but wonder, what would it look like if we talked to men about rape prevention in the same way we talk to women? "

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