Thursday, January 17, 2013

Can vegans stomach the unpalatable truth about quinoa? | Joanna Blythman | Comment is free |

Can vegans stomach the unpalatable truth about quinoa? | Joanna Blythman | Comment is free | "in the case of quinoa, there's a ghastly irony when the Andean peasant's staple grain becomes too expensive at home because it has acquired hero product status among affluent foreigners preoccupied with personal health, animal welfare and reducing their carbon "foodprint". Viewed through a lens of food security, our current enthusiasm for quinoa looks increasingly misplaced."

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1 comment:

  1. While not a fan of quinoa myself,
    I have to say that this article is grossly misleading. There is no reason to blame on vegans the problems of quinoa.
    Joanna Blythman even made a complete fool of herself by blaming soy eaters for deforestation, when almost all the soy eaters are actually cattle, for meat production, which she advocates.
    The main reason for rising food prices in general is excessive meat consumption in the first world.


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