Monday, June 4, 2012

BBC - Future - Technology - Vacuum trains: a high-speed pipe dream?

BBC - Future - Technology - Vacuum trains: a high-speed pipe dream?: "Transatlantic passengers on Concorde often referred to the supersonic plane as their “time machine” for its ability to land in New York two hours before it left London.

But that kind of illusion could look like child’s play if so-called vacuum trains ever take off.

These futuristic transporters, designed to hurtle through tunnels that have had all of the air sucked out of them, could theoretically hit speeds of up to 4,000 km/h (2,500 mph), cutting the commute from Europe to North America to just one hour.  In this high-speed future, passengers would arrive a full four hours before they set off. "

'via Blog this'

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